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Time is Money: DoS (Denial of Service) Fortification and Coinjoin Time Preference
Community Technical

As a result of months of hard work by the Wasabi and Tor developers, updated statistics from October 2023 show that the overall success rate has more than doubled since the previous year, with over 50% of new rounds and over 80% of blame rounds succeeding.

Explaining Wasabi Wallet’s Tor Implementation
Product Technical

This article will define what Tor is, how Wasabi Wallet implements Tor exactly, what are the operations that require an immediate circuit update, why the coordinator doesn’t use an onion service anymore, and how Conflux could be a future solution to improve reliability.

Announcing Private Bitcoin for Enterprises with a New Coinjoin API
Announcements Community Product Technical

Now, with a simple Coinjoin API recently announced, collaborative bitcoin transactions are accessible to anyone, including companies that want to add powerful and robust privacy features to their bitcoin products, such as wallets, brokers, custodians and more

Hunting Sats is Back at Bitcoin Amsterdam 2023
Announcements Community

Participate anonymously to have the chance of gaining more than $1,500 USD in bitcoin, or multiple other prizes such as 4 Coldcard MK4s, 2 Cryptosteel Capsules and bitcoin merchandise.

Unpacking Wasabi Wallet’s Power Feature: The Headless Daemon
Announcements Product Technical

Think of it as your wallet but on a diet. It uses fewer resources like CPU, GPU, memory, and bandwidth, allowing you to run Wasabi Wallet unobtrusively in the background.

Wasabi’s Latest Release (2.0.4) Improves Coinjoin Efficiency
Announcements Beginner Product

With the 2.0.4 release, we have improved coinjoin efficiency in multiple ways so that you reach private status on all your coins faster and incur less cost. Our main goal is to even further reduce the occurrence of toxic change. 

Turbosync: Wasabi Wallet’s Loading Time Reduced by 90%
Beginner Technical

With the 2.0.4 release, Turbosync is introduced in Wasabi Wallet to reduce the load time by up to 90%. We did this with accessibility in mind so that even low-bandwidth users can use Wasabi with little friction.

RBF and CPFP: UX Survey with Screenshots

How do you scale a blockchain? You don’t. Block space is inherently limited, and everyone making Bitcoin transactions competes for it. RBF and CPFP are some of the most prominent tools in the toolbox of a user for the block space scarcity competition.

Free Transactions from Being Stuck in the Mempool
Announcements Community Technical

We’ve packed Wasabi Wallet version 2.0.4 with highly requested features and a bundle of performance optimizations that drastically speeds up wallet load time, frees transactions from getting stuck in the mempool and make life easier than ever for privacy-conscious Bitcoiners. 


Today, Trezor rolls out coinjoin for the original bitcoin hardware wallet, the Model One, the remaining hardware product. This takes place 9 years after the initial release of the (also) first ever of its kind. Trezor’s products remain the only to support hardware wallet coinjoin.

Bitcoin Privacy Primer
Beginner Technical

The following article was created as a privacy guide for Cryptosteel‘s Operational Security manual, co-authored by folks from Trezor, Bitbox and Wasabi Wallet, which is available for free to download here. You […]

What Lightning Network-Enabled Wabisabi Coinjoins Might Look Like

Read further to learn more about the details of why the Lightning Network is Bitcoin’s leading scaling solution, why payment channel openings and coinjoins go well together, how to currently open a Lightning Network channel from a Wasabi Wallet private UTXO, how Vortex presently handles the direct opening of channels from coinjoin outputs, and finally, how a future Lightning Network-enabled WabiSabi coinjoin might solve that problem.

What is the Difference Between an Anonymity Set and an Anonymity Score?

If you want to know the details of what is an anonymity set, what makes the difference between the former term and anonymity score, how to set your anonymity score target on Wasabi, and how your post-coInjoin activity can impact your anonymity, keep reading this article.

What Does the “zk” in zkSNACKS Stand For?

Understanding what the “zk” in zkSNACKs means gives you insight into the inner workings of Wasabi Wallet. Particularly, it gives you a perspective on how Wasabi wallet enables coinjoins without gaining access to your bitcoin or collecting and revealing your private financial data.

xPubs & xPrivs

xPub stands for Extended Public Key while xPrivs stands for Extended Private Key. Simply put, xPubs and xPrivs are the parent keys that can allow a wallet to mathematically produce billions of child keys that work as public keys and private keys within your wallet.

Lesser Known Features of Wasabi Wallet

Wasabi Wallet is well-known for making privacy-boosting coinjoin transactions accessible to everyone, but some may not be aware of the extent of its range of customizable features that allow users to shape their own experience while using Wasabi Wallet.

How to Connect Your Hardware Wallet to Wasabi Wallet

If you’ve been thinking about changing software wallets to Wasabi, you need an updated tutorial showing you how to complete that process without taking too much time; you’ve found it.

Trezor Rolls Out Coinjoin Feature for its Devices in First for Hardware Wallets

Trezor, today rolled out the coinjoin feature for its devices allowing users to more easily enhance privacy and security on bitcoin transactions. The feature is possible thanks to Trezor’s collaboration with Wasabi Wallet.

The Benefits of Running a Full Bitcoin Node

Running a node enables you – on your computer – to validate transactions on a completely equal level to everyone else on the Bitcoin network. Unless you run your own node, you’re relying on third parties to validate transactions, including your own.

Twitter Spaces Highlights – Toxic Change in CoinJoins

In Wasabi, you cannot really know how many inputs this user has, how many outputs did he break the amount into. And you know, all of these kinds of nuances, it makes it difficult to try to analyze Wasabi coinjoin transactions.

What are Wasabi Wallet’s Code Signature Strategies?

This article will explain how Wasabi Wallet’s three code signing strategies (Windows, MacOS, and PGP) work and how they compare in terms of user experience, trust models, cryptography, and certificate subscription/expiry.

WasabiGPT: Send Bitcoin With AI

Wasabi Wallet launches WasabiGPT: a Wasabi Wallet AI integration to explore the possibilities of AI in Bitcoin UX.

What are the Benefits of Coinjoin?

A coinjoin is a special kind of Bitcoin transaction where two or more people’s transactions are combined, which breaks the link between transactions, improving each coinjoin participant’s privacy. When Bitcoin users have the ability to selectively reveal themselves to the world, everyone benefits.

Coin Control is Back on Wasabi Wallet

Coin Control has returned to Wasabi 2.0 for sending. The release 2.0.3 allows optional insight and control of Wasabi Wallet 2.0’s Smart Coin Selection via Coin Control for sending, as well as creating pay-to-taproot outputs to save on fees and a Tor stability upgrade for MacOS M1 users.

Why Bitcoin is a Threat to Current Financial Systems

Bitcoin is the antidote to this risk of fraud, providing a solution to the banking system. It replaces human trust with mathematical provability so that for the first time in history, humans can take complete self-custody over their digital money.

Qualities of a Good Bitcoin Wallet

Bitcoin is an intricate piece of technology but bitcoin wallets for end users shouldn’t be. A wallet should be simple enough to allow you, as a user, to create a wallet, receive bitcoin and check your balances without much of a fuss.

BTCPay Server Adding Coinjoin Plugin for All Merchants

A new BTCPay Server plugin developed by BTCPay Server contributor, Andrew Camilleri, based on Wasabi Wallet’s WabiSabi coinjoin coordination protocol introduces bitcoin privacy to BTCPay Server merchants with just two clicks.

Bitcoin as the Currency for Everyone

Bitcoin removes limitations existing in fiat-based currencies. As a good medium of exchange Bitcoin allows you to transact anywhere and anytime. No daily limitations on minimum amounts you can send or receive.

What the Growing Bitcoin Adoption Means

Bitcoin can help usher in a new area of financial liberation by helping users sidestep the issues associated with the traditional online payment ecosystem, including high fees, red tape, long wait times and a lack of control over one’s funds.

Privacy in the Information Age

Bitcoin is right in the middle of the path to mass adoption. Many still do not understand the disruptive changes in the relationship between the state and the individual that will come with the triumphant advance and expansion of this technology.

How to Gift Bitcoin Privately
Community Technical

Experienced Bitcoiners know how quickly the value of fiat money melts, so instead of buying your loved ones a gift card, keep them warm with the joy of hard money this winter season by giving them Bitcoin!

Wasabi Wallet
Announcements Technical

After the previous release of Wasabi optimized Tor connectivity, new records have been set in monthly coinjoin rounds’ completed and total coinjoin volume. Now, Wasabi Wallet Version is available to continue leading the charge.

We Already Live in Anarchy

One of the key concepts within the contemporary anarchist vision is that people are, by nature, equal to one another, and should be free to live in ways that reflect this equality. Anarchists respect all individuals who develop skills and knowledge bases that have beneficial applications.

Wasabi Release 2.0.2

Users downloading the latest release should expect much more reliable and frequent coinjoins… zkSNACKs is also extending its fundraising support to help the Tor team fund developers to work towards resolving this ongoing issue.

Modern-Day Cypherpunks

Cypherpunks tend to believe in the power of cryptography and other online privacy strategies centered around combating widespread digital surveillance. For decades, cypherpunks have been designing strategies and platforms to preserve online privacy for those who recognize its importance.

Understanding Online Privacy

The importance of online privacy is relevant to everyone—not just users who are looking to avoid the scrutiny of authorities for reasons related to questionable activities.

Why Privacy

The importance of online privacy is relevant to everyone—not just users who are looking to avoid the scrutiny of authorities for reasons related to questionable activities.

How CoinJoins Fix Bitcoin Privacy

CoinJoin acts as an opaque wall in a timeline that transactions pass through. If a sender of bitcoin coinjoins, the recipient is unable to determine how the sender obtained the funds.

The Future Vision of Bitcoin Privacy in 5 Years

CoinJoin acts as an opaque wall in a timeline that transactions pass through. If a sender of bitcoin coinjoins, the recipient is unable to determine how the sender obtained the funds.

Why We Work on Bitcoin Privacy

There are other important aspects of good money, which currently Bitcoin is not optimally designed for. Specifically, the fungibility of money…In the worst case, this open transaction history is the basis for a dystopian surveillance system.