
Tag: Republished

Privacy, Fungibility, Anonymity

The privacy challenges of the future will not be the same as those of the past.

Interview with Max Hillebrand on ‘What Bitcoin Did’

Max Hillebrand was recently featured on ‘What Bitcoin Did’ with Peter McCormack to discuss Bitcoin privacy and finacial sovereignty.

Setting up a COLDCARD with Wasabi Wallet
Community Technical

Here’s a straight forward video on…you guessed it, setting up a COLDCARD with Wasabi Wallet. The video quickly runs through the setup process and thanks to the pause button, you will have time to read all the text.

Wasabi Wallet’s advisory for Trezor users

If you’re a Wasabi Wallet user with a Trezor device, please don’t update your current Wasabi Wallet installation and Trezor devices to version 2.3.1 (Trezor Model T) and version 1.9.1 (Trezor One) yet or you may get locked out of your bitcoins until we fix the issue.